Class NoiseGenerator

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class NoiseGenerator extends Object
Base class for all noise generators
  • Field Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    protected double
    protected double
    protected double
    protected final int[]
  • Constructor Summary Link icon

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    protected static double
    fade(double x)
    static int
    floor(double x)
    Speedy floor, faster than (int)Math.floor(x)
    protected static double
    grad(int hash, double x, double y, double z)
    protected static double
    lerp(double x, double y, double z)
    noise(double x)
    Computes and returns the 1D noise for the given coordinate in 1D space
    noise(double x, double y)
    Computes and returns the 2D noise for the given coordinates in 2D space
    abstract double
    noise(double x, double y, double z)
    Computes and returns the 3D noise for the given coordinates in 3D space
    noise(double x, double y, double z, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude)
    Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
    noise(double x, double y, double z, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude, boolean normalized)
    Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
    noise(double x, double y, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude)
    Generates noise for the 2D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
    noise(double x, double y, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude, boolean normalized)
    Generates noise for the 2D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
    noise(double x, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude)
    Generates noise for the 1D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
    noise(double x, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude, boolean normalized)
    Generates noise for the 1D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object Link icon

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details Link icon

    • perm Link icon

      protected final int[] perm
    • offsetX Link icon

      protected double offsetX
    • offsetY Link icon

      protected double offsetY
    • offsetZ Link icon

      protected double offsetZ
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • NoiseGenerator Link icon

      public NoiseGenerator()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • floor Link icon

      public static int floor(double x)
      Speedy floor, faster than (int)Math.floor(x)
      x - Value to floor
      Floored value
    • fade Link icon

      protected static double fade(double x)
    • lerp Link icon

      protected static double lerp(double x, double y, double z)
    • grad Link icon

      protected static double grad(int hash, double x, double y, double z)
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x)
      Computes and returns the 1D noise for the given coordinate in 1D space
      x - X coordinate
      Noise at given location, from range -1 to 1
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x, double y)
      Computes and returns the 2D noise for the given coordinates in 2D space
      x - X coordinate
      y - Y coordinate
      Noise at given location, from range -1 to 1
    • noise Link icon

      public abstract double noise(double x, double y, double z)
      Computes and returns the 3D noise for the given coordinates in 3D space
      x - X coordinate
      y - Y coordinate
      z - Z coordinate
      Noise at given location, from range -1 to 1
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude)
      Generates noise for the 1D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
      x - X-coordinate
      octaves - Number of octaves to use
      frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
      amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
      Resulting noise
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude, boolean normalized)
      Generates noise for the 1D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
      x - X-coordinate
      octaves - Number of octaves to use
      frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
      amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
      normalized - If true, normalize the value to [-1, 1]
      Resulting noise
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x, double y, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude)
      Generates noise for the 2D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
      x - X-coordinate
      y - Y-coordinate
      octaves - Number of octaves to use
      frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
      amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
      Resulting noise
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x, double y, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude, boolean normalized)
      Generates noise for the 2D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
      x - X-coordinate
      y - Y-coordinate
      octaves - Number of octaves to use
      frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
      amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
      normalized - If true, normalize the value to [-1, 1]
      Resulting noise
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x, double y, double z, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude)
      Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
      x - X-coordinate
      y - Y-coordinate
      z - Z-coordinate
      octaves - Number of octaves to use
      frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
      amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
      Resulting noise
    • noise Link icon

      public double noise(double x, double y, double z, int octaves, double frequency, double amplitude, boolean normalized)
      Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
      x - X-coordinate
      y - Y-coordinate
      z - Z-coordinate
      octaves - Number of octaves to use
      frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
      amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
      normalized - If true, normalize the value to [-1, 1]
      Resulting noise