Interface ToolComponent.ToolRule

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ToolComponent.ToolRule extends ConfigurationSerializable
A rule governing use of this tool and overriding attributes per-block.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getBlocks Link icon

      @NotNull Collection<Material> getBlocks()
      Get a collection of the block types to which this tool rule applies.
      the blocks
    • setBlocks Link icon

      void setBlocks(@NotNull Material block)
      Set the block type to which this rule applies.
      block - the block type
    • setBlocks Link icon

      void setBlocks(@NotNull Collection<Material> blocks)
      Set the block types to which this rule applies.
      blocks - the block types
    • setBlocks Link icon

      void setBlocks(@NotNull Tag<Material> tag)
      Set the block types (represented as a block Tag) to which this rule applies.
      tag - the block tag
      IllegalArgumentException - if the passed tag is not a block tag
    • getSpeed Link icon

      @Nullable Float getSpeed()
      Get the mining speed of this rule. If non-null, this speed value is used in lieu of the default speed value of the tool. 1.0 is standard mining speed.
      the mining speed, or null if the default speed is used
    • setSpeed Link icon

      void setSpeed(@Nullable Float speed)
      Set the mining speed of this rule. 1.0 is standard mining speed.
      speed - the mining speed, or null to use the default speed
    • isCorrectForDrops Link icon

      @Nullable Boolean isCorrectForDrops()
      Get whether or not this rule is considered the optimal tool for the blocks listed by this rule and will drop items. If non-null, this value is used in lieu of the default tool checking behavior defined by Minecraft.
      true if correct for drops, false otherwise, or null to fallback to vanilla tool checking behavior
    • setCorrectForDrops Link icon

      void setCorrectForDrops(@Nullable Boolean correct)
      Set whether or not this rule is considered the optimal tool for the blocks listed by this rule and will drop items.
      correct - whether or not this rule is correct for drops, or null to fallback to vanilla tool checking behavior