Interface JukeboxPlayableComponent

All Superinterfaces:

@Experimental public interface JukeboxPlayableComponent extends ConfigurationSerializable
Represents a component which can be inserted into a jukebox.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getSong Link icon

      @Nullable JukeboxSong getSong()
      Gets the song assigned to this component.
      song, or null if the song does not exist on the server
    • getSongKey Link icon

      @NotNull NamespacedKey getSongKey()
      Gets the key of the song assigned to this component.
      the song key
    • setSong Link icon

      void setSong(@NotNull JukeboxSong song)
      Sets the song assigned to this component.
      song - the song
    • setSongKey Link icon

      void setSongKey(@NotNull NamespacedKey song)
      Sets the key of the song assigned to this component.
      song - the song key
    • isShowInTooltip Link icon

      boolean isShowInTooltip()
      Gets if the song will show in the item tooltip.
      if the song will show in the tooltip
    • setShowInTooltip Link icon

      void setShowInTooltip(boolean show)
      Sets if the song will show in the item tooltip.
      show - true if the song will show in the tooltip