Interface Painting

All Superinterfaces:
Attachable, CommandSender, Directional, Entity, Hanging, Metadatable, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, ServerOperator

public interface Painting extends Hanging
Represents a Painting.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getArt Link icon

      @NotNull Art getArt()
      Get the art on this painting
      The art
    • setArt Link icon

      boolean setArt(@NotNull Art art)
      Set the art on this painting
      art - The new art
      False if the new art won't fit at the painting's current location
    • setArt Link icon

      boolean setArt(@NotNull Art art, boolean force)
      Set the art on this painting
      art - The new art
      force - If true, force the new art regardless of whether it fits at the current location. Note that forcing it where it can't fit normally causes it to drop as an item unless you override this by catching the HangingBreakEvent.
      False if force was false and the new art won't fit at the painting's current location