Interface EnderCrystal

All Superinterfaces:
CommandSender, Entity, Metadatable, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, ServerOperator

public interface EnderCrystal extends Entity
A crystal that heals nearby EnderDragons
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isShowingBottom Link icon

      boolean isShowingBottom()
      Return whether or not this end crystal is showing the bedrock slate underneath it.
      true if the bottom is being shown
    • setShowingBottom Link icon

      void setShowingBottom(boolean showing)
      Sets whether or not this end crystal is showing the bedrock slate underneath it.
      showing - whether the bedrock slate should be shown
    • getBeamTarget Link icon

      @Nullable Location getBeamTarget()
      Gets the location that this end crystal is pointing its beam to.
      the location that the beam is pointed to, or null if the beam is not shown
    • setBeamTarget Link icon

      void setBeamTarget(@Nullable Location location)
      Sets the location that this end crystal is pointing to. Passing a null value will remove the current beam.
      location - the location to point the beam to
      IllegalArgumentException - for differing worlds