Class NumericPrompt

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Prompt

public abstract class NumericPrompt extends ValidatingPrompt
NumericPrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires a Number response from the user.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • NumericPrompt Link icon

      public NumericPrompt()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isInputValid Link icon

      protected boolean isInputValid(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input)
      Description copied from class: ValidatingPrompt
      Override this method to check the validity of the player's input.
      Specified by:
      isInputValid in class ValidatingPrompt
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      input - The player's raw console input.
      True or false depending on the validity of the input.
    • isNumberValid Link icon

      protected boolean isNumberValid(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull Number input)
      Override this method to do further validation on the numeric player input after the input has been determined to actually be a number.
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      input - The number the player provided.
      The validity of the player's input.
    • acceptValidatedInput Link icon

      @Nullable protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input)
      Description copied from class: ValidatingPrompt
      Override this method to accept and processes the validated input from the user. Using the input, the next Prompt in the prompt graph should be returned.
      Specified by:
      acceptValidatedInput in class ValidatingPrompt
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      input - The validated input text from the user.
      The next Prompt in the prompt graph.
    • acceptValidatedInput Link icon

      @Nullable protected abstract Prompt acceptValidatedInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull Number input)
      Override this method to perform some action with the user's integer response.
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      input - The user's response as a Number.
      The next Prompt in the prompt graph.
    • getFailedValidationText Link icon

      @Nullable protected String getFailedValidationText(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String invalidInput)
      Description copied from class: ValidatingPrompt
      Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the user enters an invalid input.
      getFailedValidationText in class ValidatingPrompt
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      invalidInput - The invalid input provided by the user.
      A message explaining how to correct the input.
    • getInputNotNumericText Link icon

      @Nullable protected String getInputNotNumericText(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String invalidInput)
      Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the user enters an invalid number.
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      invalidInput - The invalid input provided by the user.
      A message explaining how to correct the input.
    • getFailedValidationText Link icon

      @Nullable protected String getFailedValidationText(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull Number invalidInput)
      Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the user enters an invalid numeric input.
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      invalidInput - The invalid input provided by the user.
      A message explaining how to correct the input.