Class Conversation


public class Conversation extends Object
The Conversation class is responsible for tracking the current state of a conversation, displaying prompts to the user, and dispatching the user's response to the appropriate place. Conversation objects are not typically instantiated directly. Instead a ConversationFactory is used to construct identical conversations on demand.

Conversation flow consists of a directed graph of Prompt objects. Each time a prompt gets input from the user, it must return the next prompt in the graph. Since each Prompt chooses the next Prompt, complex conversation trees can be implemented where the nature of the player's response directs the flow of the conversation.

Each conversation has a ConversationPrefix that prepends all output from the conversation to the player. The ConversationPrefix can be used to display the plugin name or conversation status as the conversation evolves.

Each conversation has a timeout measured in the number of inactive seconds to wait before abandoning the conversation. If the inactivity timeout is reached, the conversation is abandoned and the user's incoming and outgoing chat is returned to normal.

You should not construct a conversation manually. Instead, use the ConversationFactory for access to all available options.

  • Field Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • Conversation Link icon

      public Conversation(@Nullable Plugin plugin, @NotNull Conversable forWhom, @Nullable Prompt firstPrompt)
      Initializes a new Conversation.
      plugin - The plugin that owns this conversation.
      forWhom - The entity for whom this conversation is mediating.
      firstPrompt - The first prompt in the conversation graph.
    • Conversation Link icon

      public Conversation(@Nullable Plugin plugin, @NotNull Conversable forWhom, @Nullable Prompt firstPrompt, @NotNull Map<Object,Object> initialSessionData)
      Initializes a new Conversation.
      plugin - The plugin that owns this conversation.
      forWhom - The entity for whom this conversation is mediating.
      firstPrompt - The first prompt in the conversation graph.
      initialSessionData - Any initial values to put in the conversation context sessionData map.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getForWhom Link icon

      @NotNull public Conversable getForWhom()
      Gets the entity for whom this conversation is mediating.
      The entity.
    • isModal Link icon

      public boolean isModal()
      Gets the modality of this conversation. If a conversation is modal, all messages directed to the player are suppressed for the duration of the conversation.
      The conversation modality.
    • isLocalEchoEnabled Link icon

      public boolean isLocalEchoEnabled()
      Gets the status of local echo for this conversation. If local echo is enabled, any text submitted to a conversation gets echoed back into the submitter's chat window.
      The status of local echo.
    • setLocalEchoEnabled Link icon

      public void setLocalEchoEnabled(boolean localEchoEnabled)
      Sets the status of local echo for this conversation. If local echo is enabled, any text submitted to a conversation gets echoed back into the submitter's chat window.
      localEchoEnabled - The status of local echo.
    • getPrefix Link icon

      @NotNull public ConversationPrefix getPrefix()
      Gets the ConversationPrefix that prepends all output from this conversation.
      The ConversationPrefix in use.
    • getCancellers Link icon

      @NotNull public List<ConversationCanceller> getCancellers()
      Gets the list of ConversationCancellers
      The list.
    • getContext Link icon

      @NotNull public ConversationContext getContext()
      Returns the Conversation's ConversationContext.
      The ConversationContext.
    • begin Link icon

      public void begin()
      Displays the first prompt of this conversation and begins redirecting the user's chat responses.
    • getState Link icon

      @NotNull public Conversation.ConversationState getState()
      Returns Returns the current state of the conversation.
      The current state of the conversation.
    • acceptInput Link icon

      public void acceptInput(@NotNull String input)
      Passes player input into the current prompt. The next prompt (as determined by the current prompt) is then displayed to the user.
      input - The user's chat text.
    • addConversationAbandonedListener Link icon

      public void addConversationAbandonedListener(@NotNull ConversationAbandonedListener listener)
      listener - The listener to add.
    • removeConversationAbandonedListener Link icon

      public void removeConversationAbandonedListener(@NotNull ConversationAbandonedListener listener)
      listener - The listener to remove.
    • abandon Link icon

      public void abandon()
      Abandons and resets the current conversation. Restores the user's normal chat behavior.
    • abandon Link icon

      public void abandon(@NotNull ConversationAbandonedEvent details)
      Abandons and resets the current conversation. Restores the user's normal chat behavior.
      details - Details about why the conversation was abandoned
    • outputNextPrompt Link icon

      public void outputNextPrompt()
      Displays the next user prompt and abandons the conversation if the next prompt is null.