Class ValidatingPrompt

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Prompt
Direct Known Subclasses:
BooleanPrompt, FixedSetPrompt, NumericPrompt, PlayerNamePrompt, RegexPrompt

public abstract class ValidatingPrompt extends Object implements Prompt
ValidatingPrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires validation. ValidatingPrompt will keep replaying the prompt text until the user enters a valid response.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ValidatingPrompt Link icon

      public ValidatingPrompt()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • acceptInput Link icon

      @Nullable public Prompt acceptInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @Nullable String input)
      Accepts and processes input from the user and validates it. If validation fails, this prompt is returned for re-execution, otherwise the next Prompt in the prompt graph is returned.
      Specified by:
      acceptInput in interface Prompt
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      input - The input text from the user.
      This prompt or the next Prompt in the prompt graph.
    • blocksForInput Link icon

      public boolean blocksForInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context)
      Ensures that the prompt waits for the user to provide input.
      Specified by:
      blocksForInput in interface Prompt
      context - Context information about the conversation.
    • isInputValid Link icon

      protected abstract boolean isInputValid(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input)
      Override this method to check the validity of the player's input.
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      input - The player's raw console input.
      True or false depending on the validity of the input.
    • acceptValidatedInput Link icon

      @Nullable protected abstract Prompt acceptValidatedInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input)
      Override this method to accept and processes the validated input from the user. Using the input, the next Prompt in the prompt graph should be returned.
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      input - The validated input text from the user.
      The next Prompt in the prompt graph.
    • getFailedValidationText Link icon

      @Nullable protected String getFailedValidationText(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String invalidInput)
      Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the user enters an invalid input.
      context - Context information about the conversation.
      invalidInput - The invalid input provided by the user.
      A message explaining how to correct the input.