Interface Lockable

All Known Subinterfaces:
Barrel, Beacon, BlastFurnace, BrewingStand, Chest, Container, Crafter, Dispenser, Dropper, Furnace, Hopper, ShulkerBox, Smoker

public interface Lockable
Represents a block (usually a container) that may be locked. When a lock is active an item with a name corresponding to the key will be required to open this block.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the key needed to access the container.
    Checks if the container has a valid (non empty) key.
    Sets the key required to access this container.
  • Method Details

    • isLocked

      boolean isLocked()
      Checks if the container has a valid (non empty) key.
      true if the key is valid.
    • getLock

      @NotNull String getLock()
      Gets the key needed to access the container.
      the key needed.
    • setLock

      void setLock(@Nullable String key)
      Sets the key required to access this container. Set to null (or empty string) to remove key.
      key - the key required to access the container.